Hi 👋 I’m a Research Fellow at the Brain & Mind Centre, University of Sydney, Australia.

You can find out more about me here.

Latest research findings

The state of the open science in the behavioural addictions field

I recently contributed to a conceptual paper discussing the landscape of open science in behavioural addictions research—find out more here. The paper was led by Dr Charlotte Eben, who is doing some great work in this space!

What I’m working on

Moving accross the world (again)

As of November 2023, I’m leaving the University of Plymouth in the UK and heading back to the University of Sydney again to finally settle in a place that feels like home. Doing that with a family of six (four young children) is keeping me pretty busy right now…

Pondering + plotting

I’ve also thinking about how to progress gambling harm prevention in my research and enjoying learning how to make interactive charts using the plotly R package. I’m marrying these interests by making the below chart of prevention strategies for problem gambling.

Click on the bars to see more. It’s best viewed on a pc/mac or tablet (if you are on mobile, turn it to landscape mode).

It’s very much a work in progress (I still need to add many strategies and labels for those I have), but you can find out more about my plans for this here.